Mission & Goals


Our Mission STATEMENT 

To provide a venue for local primary producers within the Peterborough region to sell their products

To maintain the integrity of the Peterborough Regional Farmers' Market as a true “farmers' market” by ensuring that the majority of vendors are local primary producers who sell what they grow or raise.

To provide space for local community groups to promote their causes and programs.

To strengthen the connections between local food, farmers, and the consumer through direct contact via market days and sales and education

To promote a festive and vibrant community experience by inviting local food vendors and artisans into the market to showcase the value added production of local food and artisanship of local craft makers within the region

To build relationships with the City, rural counties, and the  community, and to promote the economic, social and cultural value of agriculture within the region



1. Economic sustainability - to support local farm businesses, both new and old, along with other local businesses, and ensure their financial viability now and into the future.

2. Community development - to ensure access to healthy and nutritious food; and to build and strengthen community relationships. 

3. Environmental stewardship - so that our farmland continues to produce local food into the future.